[she/her] Expert for chronic diseases and inclusion
Johanna Polley was born in Berlin in 1992. She enjoyed writing as a teenager, starting with reviews of children's and young adult books, and later writing her own monologues and a yet unperformed play. While studying acting at the Babelsberg Film University "Konrad Wolf", she began working as a film actress, which she has done with passion ever since. Increasingly, also because of her own chronic diagnoses, she noticed unjust, discriminatory social structures and begins to educate herself autodidactically first in the field of anti-racism and later about Ableism and possibilities of empowerment. Since 2019, she has been involved with ProQuote Film e.V. for more gender justice, diversity and inclusion in film, e.g. in the specially founded Network Inclusion, an exchange opportunity for filmmakers with disabilities and their allies. She has been on the board of ProQuote Film since winter 2022. She is also an associate member of the board at Vielfalt im Film e.V.. Her curiosity about discrimination-sensitive knowledge and her strong desire for empowering networking leads her to constantly educate herself and keep up to date with current debates.
75-minütige Beratung per Videokonferenz oder Telefon
1 hr 15 min
75-minütige Beratung per Videokonferenz + schriftliche Anmerkungen
1 hr 15 min
Schriftliche Einschätzung Ihres Stoffes
1 hr
180-minütige Beratung zu Ihrem Drehbuch oder Theaterstück (bis 120 Sei...
3 hr
Feedback zu Ihrem Prosatext, Roman oder Sachbuch
3 hr
Unser*e Expert*in als Autor*in oder Berater*in in Ihrem Team
8 hr
Alle Preise zzgl. 19% MwSt.