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Women are clearly underrepresented across all disciplines in the media and in art. This applies to both positions in front of and behind the camera or stage. The better a job is paid and the more responsibility it comes with, the fewer women you will find there. This imbalance leads to a stereotypical representation of women, reinforces outdated role models and unconscious prejudices and leads to structural discrimination. [5] Here is a brief overview:



  • 78% theatre general directors and artistic directors - 70% male stage directors - 76% male playwrights

  • 67% of the audience are women

Source: Article "Gender Gaps" by Anne Peter / Nachtkritik , Pro Quote Bühne



  • On streaming platforms, there are 35% women roles and 65% men roles

  • In German TV programs (all genres), 67% men and only 33% women are in front of the camera.

  • In information television there are 36% female journalists, 28% female speakers and 21% female experts.

  • Only every 4th figure on children's television is female. When it comes to animal figures or imaginary figures, there are even 9 male roles for every 1 female.

  • 61% of the scripts are written by men, 23% by women. The rest are mixed teams.

  • From the age of 35, women gradually disappear from the screens. The living worlds of women over 50 are hardly told. If there are women, it is almost exclusively as young women.

  • 91% of the film sound is made by men, 85% of the camera and 74% of the direction. On the other hand, at 81%, costume is a women's domain.

Source: Pro Quote Film , Malisa Foundation



  • In media reports around the world, 82% articels talk about men

  • 90 percent of the editors-in-chief of German daily newspapers and most of the decision-makers in TV and radio programs as well as online editorial offices are men.

Source: Pro Quote Media



  • 26% female performers in the charts

  • 22% women in orchestra leading positions

  • 3 female conductors in Germany

Source: Orchestra survey , "How much penis is in Pop" / BR



  • 80% individual exhibitions by men in the last 20 years

  • 60% female art students

Source: "Why are works of art made by women less valuable?" / STRG_F

Die Grafik zeigt eine Übersicht der besonders klischeehaft dargestellten Gruppen nach Einschätzung der Filmschaffenden. Besonders Arabische Menschen, Muslimische Menschen, Sinti und Roma und Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte sind demnach von klischeehafter Darstellung betroffen. Aber auch Menschen mit niedrigem sozialen Status, Schwarze Menschen, Asiatische Menschen, Türkische Menschen, People of Color und Menschen mit ostdeutschem Akzent werden aufgeführt.
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